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There are few things in life more rewarding than helping another individual. We are here to connect returning citizens with programming, services, and community resources that meet the individual’s needs.

Health and Recovery

Health Literacy

Health literacy is how well you are able to obtain, process, and understand basic health information you need to make good decisions about your health and access health care services. Research has shown that people with low health literacy are more likely to visit an emergency room, have more hospital stays, and have higher mortality rates. Use our "How to Improve Your Health Literacy" document to improve your Health Literacy.

Engaging With Your Network to Know What to Ask About Treatment

It's important that you engage with your health provider and/or recovery support. However, this can be difficult at times. It's easy to get caught up in the moment and forget what to ask and stumble with how to ask. This Checklist will help you ask good questions.

Finding Recovery Support to Engaging Recovery Network

Know what to ask document from NIH

Helping Someone Who Has an Alcohol or Drug Problem to Supporting Someone in Their Recovery

Do you know someone who is justice-involved who you think may have an alcohol or other drug problem? Are you struggling to know how to help them? How to get them to realize they need help?

The challenge with helping someone who has an alcohol or other drug problem is that they are not the only person impacted by their addiction. Those who care about them and want to help them are impacted as well. Here are 7 tips that family and friends can reference to support a family member or friend who needs help for their alcohol or other drug use.

More info here